About Us

About Us


We are a diverse group, with different ethnic and age groups. You will see some dressed in suits, some in slacks and others in blue jeans. There is no specific dress for church services. We want you to feel comfortable whatever you are wearing. There are those who are just starting out on their spiritual journey and there are those who are very knowledgeable. We don't know everything and we don't always do everything correct. We are not brought together by any illusion of our perfection or righteousness. We are brought together by our recognition that we are all sinners in need of the cleansing blood of Jesus. You won't have to look hard to find our faults and you will find people just like you.



What you will see: A loving and caring group of individuals coming together to worship God in spirit and truth as described in the New Testament.

What you will not see: Any music instruments or bands, worship being led by men & women in a choir/group, significant church funds/resources being used for the entertainment of the members while at services (playground, kitchen, coffee shop, gym).

The music in the church of Christ is "a cappella". That is, we sing without the accompaniment of musical instruments. We believe you will find the singing meaningful.

There will be several prayers during services. There may also be prayers for specific needs. If you have a need for prayer for yourself or a loved one you may make a request and we will be glad to add your prayer request to our prayer list.

Our preacher is not referred to as pastor or reverend. He is called by his first name. He also does not wear robes or special collars to set him apart, because the bible teaches we are all equal in Christ. The sermons mostly are 20-30 minutes in length.  At the close of the sermon the preacher will extend the invitation of the Lord for those who are moved to make a commitment to Jesus. Some may respond for baptism, some to confess sin, or some to ask for prayers for help and strength. If someone responds for baptism it will be by immersion in water and it will be for the remission of sins. If you would desire to respond in private the preacher or the elders are available following the services.

During Sunday worship the Lord's supper will be included. We do this to follow the teaching of the New Testament which shows the first century church observed this on the first day of every week. During the Lord's supper plates of unleavened bread will be passed throughout the congregation. The unleavened bread symbolizes the body of Jesus. Next trays with small cups filled with "fruit of the vine" (grape juice) will be passed throughout the congregation. The fruit of the vine symbolizes the blood of Jesus which was shed on the cross for all mankind. You are not required to participate. Feel free to pass the plate or tray to the person next to you.

Also on Sunday there will be collection plates passed throughout the congregation for the weekly offering. As our guest you are not expected to give an offering. Feel free to pass the plate to the person next to you.

Again we are so glad if you choose to worship with us and please stay around after services so we can visit with you. And if this is you first visit you will be given a visitor's packet with more information about us. 

Service Times:  Sunday Worship- 10:00 am;  Wednesday Worship- 7:00 pm