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No Other Foundation

No Other Foundation

Gardner S. Hall




For other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11).  Paul referred in this language to the foundation of the church in Corinth. The foundation he laid was Jesus Christ. This is the foundation that must be laid everywhere. It is the basis of all loyal and faithful service to God.


Therefore, the design and proper action of baptism is not the foundation. What acceptable worship is, is not the foundation. The true church, its unity, its name and organization, etc. is not the foundation.


Since these are not the foundation, they are not the first things to emphasize to the sinner. Naturally the foundation ought to be laid first. We must build the structure upon the foundation, not the foundation upon the structure.


The foundation is laid when we convince a person that Jesus is the Christ, the anointed of God, the Son of God. If he believes this with an understanding heart, he knows that no other person comparable to Jesus ever lived upon the earth. He becomes fully convinced that in Him “are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden” (Col. 2:3). Being the Son of God, He is the one infallible teacher and ruler (Jas. 4:12). The Son of God could not be in error. Therefore the discerning believer will accept His word on every subject. Why? Because, believing Him to be the Son of God, he believes His word, and that His word alone is the settlement of all controversy.


When this foundation is well laid, all that is necessary on any subject is to show the believer what Jesus teaches. When he sees that Jesus teaches baptism for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38) and that it is a burial (Col. 2:12), he accepts both without hesitation. Why? Because the Son of God says it. Show him that Jesus built a church, purchased it with His blood (Acts 20:28), gave His life for it (Eph. 5:25-27), that it is His body (Col. 1:18, 24), and you will have no argument as to which church is right. He would not consider one built by a mere man, not for a moment. And all churches built since the apostles were built by men. Show a believer the simple worship He inaugurated and accepts, rejecting everything not authorized. He believes nothing could equal what Jesus taught. He does not believe one thing can be done to improve upon the work and worship of the church as Jesus set it in order. He has 100% confidence in all of Jesus’ methods, because the foundation has been well laid.


I believe everything I believe in religion because I believe Jesus taught it or gives evidence that He approves it. I oppose everything I oppose in religion because I cannot find it authorized by Jesus.