Online Articles

Online Articles

Big Surprise Coming!

What a Surprise!

One of the biggest surprises in heaven might be seeing people there that you never expected to be there, while others who you thought would be present might not be. Due to our own personal struggles in life, we will forever be grateful for the vastness of God's grace and mercy. Perhaps it will be an even bigger surprise to experience the sheer fullness of joy that excels everything we had imagined while living on Earth.

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,

Nor have entered into the heart of man

The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

1Corinthians 2:9

We sing about the unclouded day and how heaven will surely be worth it all, and such songs are scripturally based, but the above Bible verse communicates an unanticipated joy and wonderful amazement for all who enter heaven’s portal. The Bible describes heaven as a spectacular city with streets of gold, a river of life, and a glory that's beyond human imagination. It's also described as a new dwelling place where believers will live forever. But we can imagine those things because we can understand the words that stimulate our imagination. Yet, there is some dimension that we are incapable of grasping as long as we experience time and gravity here on earth. Thank God for His indescribable gift that makes an unimaginable heaven possible. DG